Leading Designer And Manufacturer Of Intelligent Equipment For Waste Power Plants And Coal Mining Operations
Solution Provider For Technical Challenges In Machinery

Welcome To Sinomining Changan
Focus On The Machinery Manufacturing Industry
Complete Product Set
With the ability to design and manufacture a complete production line equipment
Safe And Secure
Our equipment can cope with harsh environments and operate stably over long periods of time
Processing And Improvement
With the ability to undertake all kinds of non-standard machinery and equipment development, design, processing and improvement
Research And Inventions
Our R&D team specializes in solving and optimizing technical problems in the mechanical field
Our Products
Waste Incineration Power Plant Supporting Equipment
Mining Equipment
Well Construction Equipment
Complete set of machinery and equipment for the establishment of the new mine
Mechanized Mining Equipment
Mining, transportation, environmental protection equipment and other supporting equipment in the mine
Mineral Concentration Equipment
Crushing, screening, etc. equipment
Services We Priovide
Manufacturing, Development, Improvement, Consulting
Our Team
Our company has strong research and development strength, with professors, senior engineers, engineers, and other middle and senior professional and technical titles accounting for more than 50% of its employees, and has carried out close industry-university-research cooperation with China University of Mining and Technology.

Get In Touch
Room 803, No. 151 Hengshui Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai, China
Phone : +86 21 56356692
A811, Science & Technology Innovation Valley, No.99 University Road, High-Tech Zone
Email : info@smcatech.com
MON-FRI 09:00 - 19:00
SAT-SUN 10:00 - 14:00
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